Thursday, November 18, 2021

Define pixel. What is the use of pixel in display devices?

 A pixel is the smallest unit of a digital image or graphic that can be displayed and represented on a digital display device.

A pixel is the basic logical unit in digital graphics. Pixels are combined to form a complete image, video, text, or any visible thing on a computer display.

A pixel is also known as a picture element (pix = picture, el = element).


The full form of the pixel is "Picture Element." It is also known as "PEL." Pixel is the smallest element of an image on a computer display, whether they are LCD or CRT monitors. A screen is made up of a matrix of thousands or millions of pixels. A pixel is represented with a dot or a square on a computer screen.

Concept of Pixel

The good thing is that a pixel cannot be seen as they are very small which result in a smooth and clear image rather than "pixelated." Each pixel has a value, or we can say a unique logical address. It can have only one color at a time. Colour of a pixel is determined by the number of bits which is used to represent it. A resolution of a computer screen depends upon graphics card and display monitor, the quantity, size and color combination of pixels.

Concept of Pixel Concept of Pixel
Concept of Pixel

As we know that an image is build up of thousands and millions of pixels. In the above images, if we zoom in the image, we will be able to see some of the pixels.

Uses of pixel in display devices


When we open our graphics editing program, when you start with a new project, you will ask us for the resolution or, as we have already seen, for the number of pixels.
The purpose of the resolution is to be able to classify the devices where we are going to show the image:

The resolution is no more than the total number of pixels that will form the bitmap image. The advanced the number of pixels, the better the image will be. The number of pixels associated with a given image depends on how many pixels the camera’s CCD sensor is using at the time of capturing.

The pixels of the height multiplies by its width to rapid the resolve of an image

Example: An image that has a determination of 1000 x 1000 pixels will result in 1,000,000 pixels. To make it easier to understand, It expresses in megapixels (MP), such that 1,000,000 pixels is equal to 1.0 MP.

It is one of the first concepts that the professional will learn in the world of graphic design. And will be crucial when it comes to achieving the best quality results.

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